
Sunday, May 15, 2011

No More CafePress ...

Okay so today I deleted my cafepress account. I did have all kind of things with my images splattered all over them. I never spent the time to really control the shop for the past year, not to mention the lack of its over all success. I thank all of those who did purchase things, it makes me so happy to think of people owning items with my art on it.

I have been doing a lot of commission work on my own, not to mention dealing with personal work and life. Self promoting has taken a back seat, and I no longer feel the need to force my work down peoples throats.

That being said, I will prolly create a free shop and put some items up on there. So it will not be as nice, but if people wish to they can still have my work. If people would like certain pieces on certain items feel free to contact me.

It is time to move on in a new chapter in my art career.


Ruby said...

Good for you sweetie. What is meant to be will happen. I think your commission work will grow and grow!

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